Frequently asked questions

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Is EndoSign® the same as Cytosponge™?

Cyted conducts the diagnostic analysis of oesophageal cells collected by both the CytospongeTM (manufactured by Medtronic), and the EndoSign® capsule sponge tests. Cyted has developed EndoSign® as the next-generation of capsule sponge testing, featuring improved usability that makes the test easier and faster for practitioners and more comfortable for patients. 

Who can conduct the test?

Any suitably trained healthcare professional can perform cell collection with the EndoSign® device. To schedule a training session for your clinic, please contact us.

What training is required?

Collection of oesophageal cells with the EndoSign® device is a simple and quick process that can be carried out by any suitably trained healthcare professional. Cyted offers free training that includes instruction on practical use, clinical guidelines and assessment by a senior practitioner. For more details, please contact us.

How can the test be used?

EndoSign® can be carried out in a clinic setting to offer a fast, convenient and less-invasive alternative to endoscopy. Samples are placed in a specialist cell preservation pot and sent to Cyted for diagnostic analysis.

EndoSign® has two use cases:

  1. Investigating reflux: For patients with chronic reflux symptoms, EndoSign® provides a cost-effective, in-clinic and non-endoscopic method for ruling out serious underlying causes, identifying Barrett’s oesophagus and/or indicating if further investigation is required.
  2. Surveillance of patients with Barrett’s oesophagus: For patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Barrett’s oesophagus who would usually require regular endoscopic monitoring, EndoSign® offers an in-clinic solution for tracking disease progression.

You can find more information on how to use EndoSign® here.

What’s the supporting evidence?

Capsule sponge testing has been evaluated over 10 years of clinical trial and real world implementation. It is in routine use in hospitals across the UK, and biomarker analysis of collected cells has been undertaken for several years. The EndoSign® capsule sponge is now in use across the NHS in England and Scotland. NICE has also published a Medtech Innovation Briefing about capsule sponge technology. Read it here.

See additional clinical evidence.

What are the risks?

Over 15,000 patients have had a capsule sponge test. It is well tolerated, with no reported serious adverse events. Sedation is not required, although you may wish to offer a local anaesthetic spray to the patient to avoid discomfort. There is a very small risk (less than 1 in 2000) of the thread detaching from the sponge; if this occurs, endoscopy can be used to remove it.

How accurate are the results?

In a number of studies, capsule sponge tests like EndoSign® have been shown to have a high level of accuracy in detecting Barrett's oesophagus. For more information, see the clinical evidence.

How do I set up an EndoSign® service?

We can assist you in implementing EndoSign® capsule sponge testing at your clinic by providing all necessary training, documentation and equipment. For more information, please contact us.